ITOC was an awesome experience. It was my first full blown without question melee event. Since 2011 I have wanted this opportunity. At that time I was buying my first home
and preparing to marry the love of my life.
She was so supportive of this the day after our wedding Alex, Bryan Trey and I built armor out in my backyard getting folks ready to go fight and try out for the team.
A few months pass by money is saved and armor is being prepared to be purchased. And an announcement is made. Which to lead to this awesome photo.
Sandra is on the left.(bess and suzanne respectively next to her)
The following year I build my suit finally and help grow the sport in the southeast with various events and developing the monstrosity known as the Dragon’s Cup at Dragoncon.
The majority of these events are singles combat or demo style melees. Whenever I am not fighting I am marshaling.
Finally I get the opportunity to fight a full melee tournament at ITOC II. And of all things I get to fight Partizan 1(the world champs for like 7 years in a row or something like that) I have to say at moments I did as good a I hoped and others I made poor decisions and paid the price for them. It was great and joyous.
My expectations were from here on out I would be fighting every chance I had.
That is not how it is playing out…. Sadly during a training session I strained my knee and tore my MCL and now have weeks of recovery and therapy to go through. At first nothing I felt nothing but depression at the idea of going back to being the support guy the marshal the one who makes things happen in the background. To be honest I was losing hope.
And then we went up to the Virginia Practice, an open practice with no league loyalty or expectation. This had an extraordinary turnout of 30+ fighters from all up and down the East Coast. It was reminiscent of the years gone by practices.
I rolled into this practice with expectations being low, more because I couldn’t fight than any other reason. I had hesitations because of all the chiefs that would be there but mostly they held back and only barely interrupted each other.
The practice turned out great and hopefully everyone had a great experience.
Thank you all for making it such a good time.